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Farewell SSC 2017

The farewell ceremony for the students of SSC 2017 was held on the 20th of February.The program had a prayer service,a song by the students of class 9,two dances – one by 9A and one by 9B,a song by the music teacher – Mr Deepak,a skit with a beautiful message,a powerpoint presentation of old photographs and best wishes and blessings to the outgoing students from all the teachers gathered.
Varel and his group of Anonymous Unknowns sang for the last time on the RMS stage. Diann and group also sang a song.
Then snacks were distributed and after that scholarships were given out to the students for excelling in various fields.
The ceremony ended with some of the class ten students coming up and sharing words of fond farewell and gratitude as they bid adieu to RMS.
Luceat lux vestra.

(Photographs sent in by faithful RMS reporter Ana Paes)