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76th I-Day

The 15th of August was a special day for us this year. India celebrated 75 years of freedom from British rule. Regina Mundi High School students celebrated this day with a patriotic zeal, attended by students, teachers, and staff.

At 8 a.m., the Indian Tricolour was hoisted and the National Anthem was sung in the front of the school.

Following that, everyone proceeded to the hall for the cultural programme. Lubna Mendonça, the day’s compere, welcomed everyone. The prayer service was followed by a speech in Hindi by Jaimin Patel (7B). The young ones from classes 3 and 4, dressed as people and national leaders who helped build our nation. Following that, Allan Pereira De Andrade (10A) delivered an English speech highlighting the significance of the day. The programme was interspersed with patriotic songs beautifully sung by students from classes 5, 7 and 9, as well as a dance by students from class 10. Students from various classes presented a mime performance. The students thought this was a memorable programme. Finally, our school’s headmaster, Br. Sebastian George, addressed the students, encouraging them to do their best for the community and the country. We all dispersed, wishing each other a Happy Independence Day.

-Lubna Mendonça (10A)