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Rafting on Vaddem Lake

Every year about this time the scouts and guides of class nine pack up their troubles in their old kit bags and head down to the forbidding waters of Vaddem Lake to participate the in the Annual Rafting Expedition.This year was the same.

Sir Nagesh led the merry gang of class 9 scouts and guides to Vaddem lake on the 17th of October.There,after wrapping themselves in bright orange life jackets,they spent a happy morning rafting up and down the lake perched precariously on rafts made up of bamboo and plastic bottles .

A few years ago the proceedings had been made a bit more entertaining when some of the participants had managed to fall into the grim waters of the lake.No such untoward event took place this time however and all returned safe and sound to school.

Photographs of the event have been provided by cameraperson Varun Shilesh .

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