“Everyone at Regina Mundi was working hard and looking forward to this day – which finally arrived on the 15th of December.The event began with a welcome song by students trained by Sir Deepak Dourado.

Then our principal,Br Vinay,introduced our Chief Guest Mr Avito Fernandes,Principal of St Joseph’s Institute,Vasco.
Sports day began after the torch was lit and the oath of good sportsmanship was taken.

Br Arthur’s band played ” When the saints come marching in” on the recorder,saxophone and drums and the marchpast marched to their tune.
[ngg src=”galleries” display=”basic_slideshow”]Drills and novelties followed.It was a treat to watch tiny tots sprinting on tiny legs and the seniors racing neck to neck – with determination to .win.Everyone cheered for their Houses
The drills that followed were very colourful and some of them presented social messages to the gathered audience. These were the names of the drills done .
aKG- Birdy dance
HKG- Christmas themed dance
2nd- Hula-Hoop
3rd- FC Goa Themed Dance
4th- Tribal Dance
5th- Flower Dance
6th- Peacock Dance
7th-Water Heritage
8th- Coconut Shell Dance
9th- Zumba on the song ‘Dura’
10th- A Flag Dance

Finally it was time for the Prize Distribution.The Best Sportsgirl Prize went to Jenise Fernandes and Keith Carvalho bagged the coveted “Sir Vijay Kumar Memorial Best Sportsman ” award.
As for the shields, each house waited silently,hoping that their house would be declared winnner.The Marching Shield went to Mulligan House. The Best Disciplined Shield was shared by Hayes House and O Farrell House.The most awaited Winning House Shield was claimed by Slattery House.You should have heard them cheer with joy.
The Chief Guest then spoke to the students about the benefits of Sports and after that finally Sports 2018 came to an end.”
Writeup contributed by RMS Reporters Lubna and Keziah.Thank you.